Subject: Claude Nicollier has been a crewmember on four Space Shuttle flights as an ESA astronaut. His duties on board included robotic system operation, deployment and retrieval of a tethered satellite, system, and spacewalking for repairs on the Hubble Space Telescope on orbit. He was also the Shuttle Flight Engineer on his second mission in 1993. In this lecture, he will tell us about operation of the Shuttle in the different flight phases (ascent, on-orbit, entry and landing), special tasks like robotic system utilization, and life on board.
Der Akademische Aviatikverein Zürich lädt alle Interessierten zu diesem öffentlichen Vortrag mit anschliessendem Apéro ein.
Referent: Prof. Dr. h.c. Claude Nicollier, Professor in Aerospace Engineering, EPFL
Zeit: TBA
Ort: ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude, Audi Max, HG F 30
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